Life is hard and then you die. I heard this said a couple of times from a friend. This saying seems to resonate right now in my mind lately. Actually quite a bit. Yes I do agree that life is hard and yes we do indeed have an appointed time for death but what a great reminder of God's faithfulness inspite of our faithlessness.
We have no reason to fear life and death because of what Christ accomplished on the cross. Amen.
BUT.....yes there is a but, if you are reading this then I've personally sent it to you hoping that you will take time just to listen to me ramble about what's going on with me and life.
My Blog Title
Recently on facebook one of my dear friends wrote on her wall sharing her love for her husband and wishing him a lovely birthday and at the very end of her comment she wrote, "Let's do life, Dawg!" Okay, I know you are probably thinking, (this is so random and what does this have to do with anything). Actually, if you knew my friend you would know that she definitely has a way with words and that saying has been marked down in my book. In my favorite sayings book that is.
So now I continue to spontaneously say that to Micah, "Babe let's do life, Dawg!" Although, Micah just simply shakes his head, I know he still loves me and tolerates me when I say that. Now, I've changed it up a little and now just say, "Babe, I'm so thankful to do life with you." That always puts a smile on his face and makes me happy to say it.
Since I've been sharing that alot with Micah, I've decided to change up my blog title to, "Let's do Life" covering some dear topics from marriage, health and community. And like I said before, I'm just wanting you to know what's going on with me and life.
Now back to my BUT.....I do believe whole heartedly in what Christ has done for me, except I've been having many days where I can't seem to hide that deep in my heart. As any christian, I know we all struggle but lately I've been feeling lots of struggling going on. Doing life can take a toll on you and let me just share, in this particular area in my life, it has been a huge struggle and that struggle would be my health. It has been such a huge struggle that many times I fear the worse and forget that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Okay now saying all of that here's my story:
About a week ago, I watched my four year old struggle with wanting to press the play button on the remote to the VHS. (Yeah, we are still old school. No flat screen t.v. yet.) and as she was doing it, I offered to help her and explain how to do it. She would look straight in my eyes and tell me, "Mom, I can do it all by myself." "I don't need your help!" I would look at her sweet but little stubborn face and tell her "Lena, momma has to show you how to do it." And again she would tell me, "No Mom, I can do it all by myself!" So this went on for about a good five minutes and finally I had to get in her pretty little but stubborn face and popped her on her leg because I needed to get her attention and with a loud voice explain "Lena, no you can not do it by yourself!" "You need my help and I'm going to help you and show you what to press." Oh she huffed and puffed and crossed her arms and begin to grumble under her breath and said okay. Many times I've had these conversations with her but I really can't tell you why this one has stuck out to me the most. As soon as I showed her, it didn't take me long to see myself being the same way with God.
I am so stubborn and I think I can do things all by myself and God has to get my attention and when he does get my attention, it hurts. Pride is just an ugly thing. It's a nasty picture to look at and God has no place for it. You know how it works, when we think we already know something, but don't, it really takes the grace of God to make you realize that we truly don't know and can't do anything by ourselves, yep that's right. We need God, we need accountability, we need community, and we need to be vulnerable with one another.
Me being vulnerable with you
In January of 2011, I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. When I found out I should've not been surprised but I was and was so disappointed and ashamed that I had allowed myself to come to this point. It runs in my family and both my parents have Type 2 Diabetes, so it was just a matter of time before I got it. As soon as I found out I had diabetes, it became a motivation for me to take action. I began to work out and watch my diet. Over the last year I've lost 20lbs and have not gained it back even when I was pregnant with Sophia and after giving birth. But now the focus is to continue to lose more weight and watch my sugars and maintain a healthy diet. Thankfully, I don't have to be on insulin and I can control my sugars with diet and excercise. Well, that's easier said than done. I've joined a gym and I have partnered up with Angelica Carmona for accountability. I am also taking a diabetes management class that has educated me a lot about diabetes and I have also met with a dietician. I feel like the Lord has open up great opportunities for me to seriously make this life change and be an advocate for people who are suffering with this disease. Really, to be quite honest with you though, it's been such a huge challenge to get back into the swing of things since I've had Sophia. I come to you feeling like a complete failure and need you to pray for me. This health of mine has been a struggle. I don't want to give up but I sure do feel like it. Most importantly I have two beautiful little girls that need their mommy to be an example. I know I can't do this on my own. I do know that with God all things are possible and I'm really tired of putting those "buts" behind any of Gods' Word.
My Prayer Requests:
So please keep me in prayer. This literally has to become a priority in my life. Pray that I stay focus, and press through even when I don't feel like it. Pray that I start making these small changes and follow through as they will grow into big and healthier changes.
Pray that I actively stay in Gods' Word reminding myself of his promises for me.
Also, please know if you are reading this then it's taken a lot for me to share and as a dear sister in the Lord, I need you. Ask me "How are you doing, Rose?" and give me encouragement. I know I'll need it. Thank You ladies!
In Him,
Let's Do Life.
Marriage, Health and Community
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Febuary in review 2011
Here we go: A very short month of course but a couple of things took place for us. Let's start off by sharing Febuary was a very fun month and yet we experienced a low point. Let's just say, Micah and I are truly loving what is being taught at City Church this semester. Community.....We love that only by the grace of God we are connected to an incredible community! We love our church family and our very own family.
So saying all of that, we started are month off by going over to the Mendoza's lovely home and watching the superbowl with some dear friends. We had a great time! There was lots of good food, fun fellowship and good laughs.
Fun fellowship!
They are so into the game! LOL
Ricky holding it down with the frying! He did an amazing job with the fries and shrimp!
Giving more props to the other wonderful cooks! Angel and David.
So indeed we had a great time. So let me end by saying "Go Packers!" Ha! Ha! I'm just playing....I don't even know the first thing about football but I believe my husband was rooting for the Packers. Oh and by the way, I really did enjoy the halftime show....Slash rocked it and well Usher, What can I his music!
So saying all of that, we started are month off by going over to the Mendoza's lovely home and watching the superbowl with some dear friends. We had a great time! There was lots of good food, fun fellowship and good laughs.
So indeed we had a great time. So let me end by saying "Go Packers!" Ha! Ha! I'm just playing....I don't even know the first thing about football but I believe my husband was rooting for the Packers. Oh and by the way, I really did enjoy the halftime show....Slash rocked it and well Usher, What can I his music!
Health Awarness!!! (Making some changes!)
Well, just like everyone else, I too have decided to get with the program, a healthier lifestyle. As you see, I am a little behind but I finally got my ipod and I have been jogging....Acomplished my mile and half this month with a few little stops but managed to make it through with lots of huffing and puffing. :) I am very motivated and so proud of those making some serious changes. Just have to give some shout outs to: La Mendy, Angelica, Mamie, Bethany and so many others for inspiring me to press and have a healthier life style. Not only have they encouraged me but it's about time I do this for myself. Okay ladies, I know that we really have not had a one on one talk about Health but viewing your posts on facebook or reading your blogs really has done a work in me. So THANK YOU! Also, let me not forget to mention....My husband, Mr. Micah Phillip Lantz has been incredible and really has been my #1 encourager. He pushes me and holds me accountable and I love him for that. So thanks babe, You're the greatest!
Love my pink ipod!
I also love that I work for a company that really is helping promote a healthier lifestyle! HEB Rocks! I love my calender that I got from them and it helps me out tremendously.
BREW TIME!! What's the lastest with the Brewmeister??
Let me just say this: My husband really does have a huge passion for brewing beer and if you ask him, "If he ever thought he would be brewing beer or love beer so much?" he would respond, "Would have never imagined it!" My husband is exceptionally gifted in brewing and definitely want to give props to Jason Lewis, who has helped him in becoming better. Did I always agree with this.... Um No. I will say this, I hated every bit of it but I've come to realize he loves it and enjoys doing it and he really is great at it and so my heart has changed and I truly love supporting him in this. By the way, Ask him how he got into beer....Let me just say thanks to City Church, I will say no names......Ricky M., Oscar C., Peter H., and David G......need I say more. LOL... It's a great story to hear. We laugh when people ask because it wasn't until we attended Church of the King at the time now City Church that he got into beer. :) Anyways, Micah has brewed two beers in Febuary, a Happy Groom version 2.0 and a Honeysuckle Pale Ale. Oh yeah, they taste very good. If you are curious to want to know what the difference between his Happy Groom and the Happy Groom version 2.0 is the yeast and dry hops, just fyi.
Micah at it....checking the temperture! Perfect! Oh and it smells so good!
Also, if you have not become a fan of Micah's Homebrew Fan Page on facebook, please do. We try to keep his small but great clientele updated. He definitely has a lot of beers coming for the spring and summer time. If you haven't tried his beer get in contact with him on facebook because it goes really fast. :) So thanks to everyone who is helping support with Micah's brewery!
He truly appreciates it!
Weekend to Remember Conference!
BREW TIME!! What's the lastest with the Brewmeister??
Let me just say this: My husband really does have a huge passion for brewing beer and if you ask him, "If he ever thought he would be brewing beer or love beer so much?" he would respond, "Would have never imagined it!" My husband is exceptionally gifted in brewing and definitely want to give props to Jason Lewis, who has helped him in becoming better. Did I always agree with this.... Um No. I will say this, I hated every bit of it but I've come to realize he loves it and enjoys doing it and he really is great at it and so my heart has changed and I truly love supporting him in this. By the way, Ask him how he got into beer....Let me just say thanks to City Church, I will say no names......Ricky M., Oscar C., Peter H., and David G......need I say more. LOL... It's a great story to hear. We laugh when people ask because it wasn't until we attended Church of the King at the time now City Church that he got into beer. :) Anyways, Micah has brewed two beers in Febuary, a Happy Groom version 2.0 and a Honeysuckle Pale Ale. Oh yeah, they taste very good. If you are curious to want to know what the difference between his Happy Groom and the Happy Groom version 2.0 is the yeast and dry hops, just fyi.
He truly appreciates it!
Last but not least,
Weekend to Remember Conference!
We are thrilled that Micah and I have signed up to attend this years, Weekend to Remember Conference. We have been wanting to go for years and finally did it. It will be a nice get away for us and looking forward to see what the Lord has in store for us.
So of course, I will keep you updated on that. By the way, you can still register!
So of course, I will keep you updated on that. By the way, you can still register!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
January 2011 Review
Micah and I have purposed it in our hearts to try to blog as least once a month "in review" to let everyone know "What's going on with The Lantz Family"....So, since January 2011 has come and left so quickly, we definitely wanted to keep you updated. We know that you may or may not care but we want to share either way!
Guess what, it was working for us! It was a slow start but she was getting the hang of it and absolutely loved putting her stickers on her poster. Can anyone guess what kind of poster she had?? No doubt it had to be a Princess poster! All of her favorite characters!
She is a happy girl and proud of her accomplishment!
She is putting a sticker on her poster. Notice the undies! LOL
She is representing for all the toddlers out there!
You can do it!

Working hard! We all joined in together and made the rest of the cupcakes. Having three little ones with you to help decorate was a lot of hard work but yet so much fun to do.
They are so focused! Except for Lena, she was too busy eating the icing. She started decorating and then would sit there licking all the icing.
We made plenty of messes!

Finally made it! We were able to decorate all the cupcakes and they were so delicious!

We gathered to get ready to sing Happy Birthday!

Opening one of her favorite gifts from her tio J and tia bonnie and cousin Josh.
Yep, a microphone. She could not stop singing for us! It was great! She had all the family laughing!

She loves the boots!

We all went to Grimaldies to enjoy some yummy pizza! We had a great time with our big girl!

Let's start off by saying, January is a fun month for us now, not that it never was before but we tend to look forward to a special birthday and that of course, would be of our sweet lena ladybug. Lena just turned three years old on January 18, 2011 and so pleased to announce that at the end of 2010, she decided she was ready to be potty trained. We started working with her at the beginning of 2010 only to discover she was not having it. She wasn't bothered so why should we be. She understood what she had to do and did it but preferred not to be introduced to pull ups or yet sit on a baby potty. As the year passed along and with the push of my mother-in-law (and if anyone knows Momma Rose) well, let's just say lena was getting steered in the direction of "It's time to be a big girl" says Grandma. Lena was still reluctant but definitely started coming around. Angelica Carmona a.k.a Tia Angel shared with me what they were doing with her nephew. They had gotten her nephew's favorite cartoon character poster and each and every time he would use the potty like a big boy they would let him put a sticker on the poster.
Guess what, it was working for us! It was a slow start but she was getting the hang of it and absolutely loved putting her stickers on her poster. Can anyone guess what kind of poster she had?? No doubt it had to be a Princess poster! All of her favorite characters!
She is a happy girl and proud of her accomplishment!
You can do it!
Birthday in Cuero!
It's amazing to see how fast they grow! WOW! Like I said, Three Years Old! So for her 3rd birthday we decided to take her to Cuero, Tx. to visit my side of the family. She got to hang with her Mommo, Poppo, and all her tias and tios. We had a great time celebrating! She especially enjoyed being with her cousins, Joshua and Isis.
Made three special cupcakes for her!
Made three special cupcakes for her!
Finally made it! We were able to decorate all the cupcakes and they were so delicious!
We gathered to get ready to sing Happy Birthday!
Opening one of her favorite gifts from her tio J and tia bonnie and cousin Josh.
Tuesday January 18, 2011
Since we went to Cuero the weekend before her birthday to celebrate, Grandma Lantz came over on her actually day and brought plenty of gifts.
She loves the boots!
We all went to Grimaldies to enjoy some yummy pizza! We had a great time with our big girl!
Beer Tasting!
My husband also held a beer and cheese tasting. He had a couple of friends come over to help
be apart of this epic event.
be apart of this epic event.
The Lantz Family
Micah, Rose and Lena
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Our Vacation!
Micah and I have been chilling without our little munchkin for a while, two more weeks and then she comes home. My daughter Lena went to Ohio for 3 weeks and it has totally been a wonderful break for us. She has met both her great grandmas, great grandma lantz (Micah's dad's mom), and great grandma taylor (Micah's mom's mom) Pretty neat! A real blessing! She got to meet all of her cousins, aunts and uncles and so forth and is having the time of her life from what I hear. We do miss her of course but we really needed the break and we are very thankful she is in Ohio.
Lena did fabulous on the plane, she was quite the young lady on the plane. My mother in law told me she loved it. She was amazed with the clouds and enjoyed sitting by the window. They are definitely keeping her busy and she is not minding that at all. She calls me at least three or four times a day and tells me "Hi Mommydaddy!" What a real treat for us both, no surprise it's a win win situation.
So without a doubt, Micah and I have been taking advantage of this and have been enjoying ourselves quite nicely. Although, we do miss our lena ladybug, bugging bug at all...she is a real gift and glad we can have a break.
In all honesty, I am more concern that she is having too much fun that she does not seem to miss us or be concerned that she is so far away from mommy and daddy. I hope she wants to come back home! :)
The Lantz family
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Here are some pics of Lena's room and her sleeping...too cute!
We are slowly working on this side and much more pics to add on the wall...Of course can't forget about her horsey. :)
Yes....Micah and I have worked on getting this room organized now we can say we are almost there!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Lena's first little bed
First I will say, it is breath taking as I am watching Lena transition to her very own bed. So last night she was eagerly awaiting to get to bed. I got her ready for bed with her usual....bath, milk, brush teeth and time for prayer. Since she was always going in her crib, I would just hold her and pray over her but now I laid her down on her mattress last night, sat right beside her and got to pray for her. It was too sweet! After we prayed, I told her, "Lena, first thing in the morning you go to our room and wake us up, Okay." She replied with a nodd and gave me the look of "I got it Mommy". So it was indeed exciting to see her sleep on her bed. I left her and came back to check on her 10 minutes later to find she was still in her same position with her eyes open. I reassured her to go to sleep and that she would be fine. So I closed her door and 15 minutes later came back to check on her and she was out, curled up and sleeping peacefully.
Later on as Micah got home, I was so thrilled to show him that we went to check on her only to find her totally off her mattress, hilarious to see. She was not bothered, she was still sleeping peacefully. As Micah and I talked about it we felt it was okay for us to sleep with both our doors closed. As the day was coming to a close we finally fell asleep and at about 5:45am I woke up and realized that Lena would be waking up soon. Sure enough, I hear our door open up at about 7am and I see a little head walking to my side of the bed and was greeted with a cheery "Hi Mommy!" Ahhhh!!! It was so delightful to hear and so great to see how fast our little lena ladybug is growing. I was a proud mommy this morning to know that she did exactly what I had told her. Incredible!
Well, as the afternoon approached and we had a sleepy little one and nap time was in order, it was indeed a different story for us. It took about six times where we had to walk her back to her room and tell her to lay down and that it was time for her nap. She was getting a kick out of being able to open her door and walk in our room freely or even go to the living room. So as she finally went down for a nap so did we and sure enough, about two hours later she strolls on in to our room but goes to daddy's side and greets him. So, as excited as we are we know this will have to take some time getting use to...LOL....
Amazed and Blessed to be a Mother,
Rose Lantz
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