Let's start off by saying, January is a fun month for us now, not that it never was before but we tend to look forward to a special birthday and that of course, would be of our sweet lena ladybug. Lena just turned three years old on January 18, 2011 and so pleased to announce that at the end of 2010, she decided she was ready to be potty trained. We started working with her at the beginning of 2010 only to discover she was not having it. She wasn't bothered so why should we be. She understood what she had to do and did it but preferred not to be introduced to pull ups or yet sit on a baby potty. As the year passed along and with the push of my mother-in-law (and if anyone knows Momma Rose) well, let's just say lena was getting steered in the direction of "It's time to be a big girl" says Grandma. Lena was still reluctant but definitely started coming around. Angelica Carmona a.k.a Tia Angel shared with me what they were doing with her nephew. They had gotten her nephew's favorite cartoon character poster and each and every time he would use the potty like a big boy they would let him put a sticker on the poster.
Guess what, it was working for us! It was a slow start but she was getting the hang of it and absolutely loved putting her stickers on her poster. Can anyone guess what kind of poster she had?? No doubt it had to be a Princess poster! All of her favorite characters!
She is a happy girl and proud of her accomplishment!
You can do it!
Birthday in Cuero!
It's amazing to see how fast they grow! WOW! Like I said, Three Years Old! So for her 3rd birthday we decided to take her to Cuero, Tx. to visit my side of the family. She got to hang with her Mommo, Poppo, and all her tias and tios. We had a great time celebrating! She especially enjoyed being with her cousins, Joshua and Isis.
Made three special cupcakes for her!
Made three special cupcakes for her!
Finally made it! We were able to decorate all the cupcakes and they were so delicious!
We gathered to get ready to sing Happy Birthday!
Opening one of her favorite gifts from her tio J and tia bonnie and cousin Josh.
Tuesday January 18, 2011
Since we went to Cuero the weekend before her birthday to celebrate, Grandma Lantz came over on her actually day and brought plenty of gifts.
She loves the boots!
We all went to Grimaldies to enjoy some yummy pizza! We had a great time with our big girl!
Beer Tasting!
My husband also held a beer and cheese tasting. He had a couple of friends come over to help
be apart of this epic event.
be apart of this epic event.
The Lantz Family
Micah, Rose and Lena